Council for Ethnic Participation (CEP) Pre-Conference
Wednesday, October 29, 2025, 8:30am-5:15pm Mountain/Denver Time (Tentative)
Virtual Pre-Conference Colloquium via Zoom
Wednesday, November 12, 2025, 8:30am-6:45pm Mountain/Denver Time (Tentative)
In-Person Pre-Conference Forum at Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
Virtual Pre-Conference Colloquium via Zoom
Wednesday, November 12, 2025, 8:30am-6:45pm Mountain/Denver Time (Tentative)
In-Person Pre-Conference Forum at Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
Tending to Our Roots: Joy, Art, and Community
The purpose of CEP, as stated in our by-laws, is to facilitate the participation of scholars from ethnically and racially minoritized communities in the affairs of the Association. The CEP Pre-Conference, historically, has consisted of two components:
- The presentation of research/scholarly papers, works in progress, posters, performance, visual, and digital scholarship, and interactive symposia (and)
- The CEP Mentor-Protégé Program, which provides mentoring and professional development sessions.
The theme of CEP’s Pre-Conference is “Tending To Our Roots: Joy, Art, and Community.” Historically, CEP has been deliberately a counter space to think, consider, and prioritize what we, as ethnically and racially minoritized people, care and carry with us: our communities, celebrating the experiences and developments of those with whom we co-create knowledge with and for. Through our research and scholarship, we have collectively created impactful and culturally-sustaining approaches to address the harm and needs of our communities. This is the work we have dedicated our scholarship towards, which is personal and political.
However, this year, in alignment with the conference theme, the CEP Pre-Conference will be engaged differently. We want to honor the dedication of CEP and our communities by providing both a virtual counter-space celebrating and honoring our work as well as providing an in-person convening to nurture and nourish ourselves through joy, art, and community. We hope you accept our invitation to, in the words of our ASHE President, “move outside the frame and color outside the lines” as we curate a space that celebrates and honors who you are, where you come from, and what you dream of.
Pre-Conference Program Format Updates
We recognize that this shift is both exciting and may lead to questions. The CEP Executive Committee welcomes those questions. We will hold virtual space and welcome you to attend. Additionally as we get questions, we'll work with the ASHE Staff to add a list of "FAQs" to the CEP Pre-Conference website.
CEP Pre-Con Q&A Session 1
Monday, February 24, 2025
11-11:30am Mountain/Denver Time
Register to attend on the Events Calendar
CEP Pre-Con Q&A Session 2
Wednesday, February 26
10am-10:30am Mountain/Denver Time
Register to attend on the Events Calendar
Part 1: Virtual Pre-Conference Colloquium on Wednesday, October 29 (Via Zoom)
This year there will be a virtual pre-conference with a scholarly focus inviting attendees to share and center research and scholarship on issues of race, ethnicity, and racism and the relationship of race, ethnicity, and racism with other systems of oppression, domination, and violence.
With these intentions in mind, we invite scholars to submit proposals, research papers; scholarly papers; works in progress; performance, visual, and digital scholarship; and interactive symposia that reflects your connection and dedication to community. As you develop your proposals, we ask you to consider the following:
- Who are you beyond academia?
- Where and who do you inherit and draw knowledge from?
- How does your research and scholarship nurture yourself and community?
- How do you embody and practice joy through theory, through methodology, and through scholarship?
- How does your community or communities guide the direction and development of your research and scholarship?
- In what ways have you intentionally moved away from the demands and expectations of the academy moving outside the established theoretical frameworks and coloring new lines of thinking, writing, and more?
The CEP Virtual Pre-Conference Colloquium peer-review process reflects high expectations of rigor and quality. Sessions selected are those that expand, challenge, and shift the field’s thinking, practice, and praxis. We welcome proposals that engage in critical analyses of hegemonic whiteness and white supremacy, racial capitalism, settler colonialism, ethnocentrism, and cis-heteropatriarchy through systemic and structural lenses. Proposals that confront racism’s entanglement with other interlocking structures of marginalization and privilege (e.g., social class, ability, sex assigned at birth, gender identity and expression, sexuality, religion/spirituality/faith, and global/transnational) are especially encouraged.
Proposal Formats Accepted
Research Paper (Virtual) |
Yes |
Scholarly Paper (Virtual) |
Yes |
Interactive Symposium (Virtual) |
Yes |
Self-Designed Paper Session (Virtual) |
Yes |
Performance, Visual, and Digital Scholarship (Virtual) |
Yes |
Works in Progress (Virtual) |
Yes |
Posters |
No |
Part 2: In-Person Pre-Conference Forum on Wednesday, November 12 in Denver, Colorado
Whereas, our in-person convening will be dedicated to “tending to our roots” as scholars, as parents, as students, as organizers, as activists, as artists, etc. We are so much more than the academy and our in-person Pre-Conference Forum will be dedicated to reminding us of our power, beauty, and brilliance through conversations, laughter, and self-reflective activities with the intention of nurturing community with one another.
The CEP Pre-Conference Committee and CEP Executive Committee will coordinate the agenda for this day. As such, proposals are not being accepted for the in-person convening. We will share more in the coming months and the full agenda will be released in late summer.
Call for Volunteers
The quality and success of the conference is contingent upon the service and participation of our members. Thank you for considering a volunteer role as a Reviewer, Chair, and/or Discussant. Your service as a conference volunteer helps to ensure the integrity of the conference and, subsequently, the field of higher education scholarship. ASHE welcomes volunteer applications from scholars in all stages of their academic journey.
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please visit
The Volunteer Application Form on the Conference Portal includes a question where you can share any accessibility needs or ways ASHE can support you in your role as a chair, discussant, and/or reviewer. If there are additional questions or concerns, please contact Alicia Castillo Shrestha, Associate Director for Conference and Events at
Submit a Proposal and/or Volunteer Application through the Conference Portal
CEP Pre-Conference Committee
Assistant Professor and Director of the Student Affairs Administration and Higher Education M.A. Ball State UniversityCEP Pre-Conference Co-Chair
Associate Director of Conference and Events Association for the Study of Higher EducationStaff Partner
Attendance Information
Tentative Schedule at a Glance
Virtual Pre-Conference Colloquium:
Wednesday, October 29, 2025 (Virtual) | Zoom
Opening Session
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
In-Person Pre-Conference Forum:
Wednesday, November 12, 2025 (In-Person) | Denver, Colorado
Opening Session
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
Business Meeting (Open to all CEP Members)
ASHE General Conference Welcome Reception
Registration Rates
Category | Early Registration (until 7/31/25) | Regular Registration (8/1/25 - 10/15/25) | Late Registration (10/16/25-11/07/25) | On-Site Registration (11/12/2025) |
General Member | $85 | $105 | $135 | $150 |
Graduate Student Member | $70 | $85 | $105 | $120 |
Retired, Emeritus, Part-Time, Post Doc | $75 | $100 | $130 | $140 |
Non-Member | $135 | $150 | $185 | $200 |