ASHE Academic Leaders Workshop 2025
The 2026 event will be announced in Fall 2025
Join Us Virtually
Effective leadership in college and universities is critical to meeting the needs of students and faculty (Birnbaum, 1992; Rowley & Sherman, 2003). University leaders are often chosen and promoted based on their success in research rather than their managerial experience or knowledge (Yielder & Codling, 2004). However, universities have become much more business-oriented, and while this orientation is controversial, administrative skills and leadership approaches are often learned on the job (Gayle, Tewarie, & White, 2003). There is also surprisingly little research on university leadership. Faculty whose knowledge base is steeped in higher education have the potential and specialized knowledge base to effectively lead programs, research centers, departments, colleges, and universities. However, many faculty, while possessing specialized knowledge about higher education often have little administrative experience and lack knowledge about specific administrative functions and leadership approaches. This position is particularly true for women and people of color who are severely underrepresented in academic leadership positions (Yen, Quinn, Carrigan, Litzler, & Riskin, 2007). These positions are often quite challenging, particularly those positions, such as department chair, which can serve as gateway positions to further leadership positions, while at the same time continuing some faculty expectations of research (Gmelch & Burns, 1993).
This workshop addresses these challenges by engaging faculty members who aspire to move, are moving into, or have moved into leadership positions, including program chairs, center directors, department chairs, dean’s office positions, or higher level positions in discussions around leadership, management, continuing a scholarly agenda, balancing work and family life, conflict resolution, and working with difficult people.
Who should attend:
This workshop is intended for faculty who are considering moving into leadership positions at the program, department, college, or university level. The goal is to provide workshop attendees with tools and resources to successfully navigate leadership positions including program coordinators, center directors, department chairs, dean, and other administrative pursuits.
This is the third time offering dedicated workshop time, beyond conference sessions, to support faculty moving into academic leadership positions. We note that a workshop dedicated to academic leadership is significant because of the unique challenges facing these positions, as well as the scant research or programming available to faculty who aspire to these positions, are moving into them, or have moved into leadership positions.
The audience for this workshop is individuals considering academic leadership, including program coordination, department chair, center directors, dean’s office positions, or other university leadership positions. This workshop is particularly aimed at those who are considering or who are new in these positions. Many faculty are considered for leadership positions as they grow in their experience, yet many faculty have little administrative experience or managerial skills. Higher education faculty have a unique vantage point given our scholarly knowledge of the field, and although there are independent, third-party workshops, such as the ACE workshop for department chairs, these workshops, from personal experience, assume participants have little to no knowledge of higher education and how it differs from other not-for-profit organizations or from for-profit organizations. There is currently no other similar workshop offered through ASHE.
Who should attend:
This workshop is intended for mid-career faculty including associate professors and those faculty members who are full professors, but with 15 years plus remaining prior to retirement. The goal is to provide workshop attendees with tools and resources to navigate the mid-career stage including advancement to full and/or administrative pursuits.
January 23 | |
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM |
Featured Presenters
-Kelli Feldman, PhD: University of Kansas -Susan K. Gardner, PhD: Oregon State University -Kevin Kinser, EdD: Pennsylvania State University -Christopher Morphew, PhD: Johns Hopkins University -Jennifer C. Ng: University of Kansas -Victor B. Sáenz, PhD: UT-Austin |
Event Chair
Lisa Wolf-Wendel, Chair
Associate Director for Research & Graduate Studies
University of Kansas
Tiffani Riggers-Piehl, Chair-Elect
Assistant Professor of Higher Education
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Please feel free to reach out to the event chair with questions about the content of the event. Questions about registration or event logistics can be directed to the ASHE Staff at (202) 660-4106 or
For More Information:

Beaverton, Oregon 97008
United States 202.660.4106
Event Information
- Events are live captioned through Zoom. An opportunity to share how the event can be more accessible for you is provided in the registration form. For questions about accessibility, please reach out to the ASHE Staff at
- All ASHE Professional Development events encourage participants to engage throughout the event in various ways. To provide an environment that is conducive to learning and engagement and to provide a safe space (to the extent possible), Professional Development events are not recorded.
- Attendees will review and agree to the ASHE Events Code of Conduct ( and Payment Policies ( during registration.