Reader Series
The ASHE Reader Series was used extensively by faculty and students in higher education programs throughout the country. Scholars, policy analysts, and leaders in higher education, business, and government use this series to keep abreast and informed about issues affecting higher education in the United States and abroad. ASHE Reader Series was published by Pearson Learning Solutions.
Although the production of the ASHE Reader Series has stopped, there are still copies available through various online retailers, including Amazon (use this link and a portion of your purchase will go to ASHE) as well as Wheelers Books.
ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education (1994) David Breneman, Lester GoodChild, and Harold Wechsler (Editors) ISBN: 9780536575661 |
ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education (2nd Edition) (1997) Lester Goodchild and Harold Weschsler (Editors) ISBN: 9780536598691 |
ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education (3rd Edition) (2008) Harold S. Wechsler, Lester F. Goodchild, and Linda Eisenmann (Editors) ISBN: 9780536443410 |
ASHE Reader on Assessment and Program Evaluation (1994) Joan S. Stark and Alice Thomas (Editors) ISBN: 9780536585868 |
ASHE Reader on Assessment and Program Evaluation (2nd Edition) (2003) Wynetta Y. Lee (Editor) ISBN: 9780536753502 |
ASHE Reader on Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education (3rd Edition) (2010) Wynetta Y. Lee (Editor) ISBN:9780558575793 |
ASHE Reader on College and University Curriculum: Developing and Cultivating Programs of Study that Enhance Student Learning (2002) Lisa R. Lattuca, Jennifer Grant Haworth, and Clifton F. Conard (Editors) ISBN: 9780536671462 |
ASHE Reader on College & University Curriculum: Placing Learning at the Epicenter of Courses, Programs and Institutions, (2nd Edition) (2012) Clifton F. Conrad and Jason Johnson (Editors) ISBN: 9780536090232 |
ASHE Reader on College Student Affairs Administration (1997) Elizabeth Whitt (Editor) ISBN: 9780536598400 |
College Student Affairs Administration (2nd Edition) (2004) Elizabeth Whitt (Editor) ISBN: 9780536810359 |
ASHE Reader on College Student Development Theory (2005) Maureen E. Wilson and Lisa Wolf-Wendel (Editors) ISBN: 9780536859709 |
ASHE Reader on College Student Development Theory (2nd Edition) (2004) Elizabeth Witt (Editor) ISBN: 0536810354 |
ASHE Reader on College Students: The Evolving Nature of Research (1995) by Frances Stage, Guadalupe Anaya, John Bean, Don Hossler, and George Kuh (Editors). ISBN: 9780536590886 |
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ASHE Reader on Community Colleges (2nd Edition) (1994) James L. Ratcliff (Editor) ISBN:9780536585714 |
ASHE Reader on Community Colleges (3rd Edition) (2005) Barbara Townsend and Debra Brqagg (Editors) ISBN: 9780536101372 |
ASHE Reader on Community Colleges (4th Edition) (2014) Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher, Jaime Lester, Debra D. Bragg, and Linda Serra Hagedorn (Editors) ISBN: 9781269905541 |
ASHE Reader on Comparative Education (1998) by Ken Kempner, Marcela Mollis, and William Tierney (Editors) ISBN: 0536012156 |
ASHE Reader on Comparative Education (2nd Edition) (2010) Brian Pusser, Imanol Ordorika, and Ken Kempner (Editors) ISBN: 9780558507527 |
ASHE Reader on Curriculum in Transition: Perspectives on the Undergraduate Experience (1990) Clifton Conrad (Editor) ISBN: 9780536577924 |
ASHE Reader on Economics and Finance of Higher Education (2014) John Weidman, John Yeager, Laurie Cohen, Linda DeAngelo, Kristin M. DeLuca, Michael G. Gunzenhauser, W. James Jacob, Maureen W. McClure, and Stewart E. Sutin (Editors) ISBN: 9781269912945 |
No Image Available | ASHE Reader on Expanding Perspectives (2nd Edition) Clifton F. Conrad, Jennifer Grant Haworth, Lisa R. Lattuca, and James L. Ratcliff (Editors) |
ASHE Reader on Faculty and Faculty Issues in Colleges and Universities (1987) Martin Finkelstein (Editor) ISBN: 9780536058560 |
ASHE Reader on Faculty and Faculty Issues in Colleges and Universities (2nd Edition) (1996) Dorothy Finnegan (Editor) ISBN: 9780536592958 |
ASHE Reader on Faculty & Faculty Issues in Universities & Colleges (3rd Edition) (2009) Nancy Chism, Roger Baldwin, and Deborah Chang (Editors) ISBN: 9780558414054 |
ASHE Reader on Finance in Higher Education (2nd Edition) (2001) John Yeager, Glenn Nelson, Eugenie Potter, John Weidman, and Thomas Zullo (Editors) ISBN: 9780536628824 |
ASHE Reader on Foundations of American Higher Education (1991) James L (Editor) ISBN: 9780536580139 |
ASHE Reader on Foundation of American Higher Education (2nd Edition) (1999) James Bess and David Webster (Editors) ISBN: 9780536018533 |
ASHE Reader on Organization and Governance in Higher Education (3rd Edition) Marvin Peterson (Editor) ISBN: 0536055572 |
ASHE Reader on Organization and Governance in Higher Education (4th Edition) (1991) Marvin Peterson, Ellen Chaffee, and Theodore White (Editors) ISBN: 9780536579812 |
ASHE Reader on Organization and Governance in Higher Education (5th Edition) (2012) M. Christopher Brown II and James L. Ratcliffe (Editors) ISBN: 0536607494 |
ASHE Reader on Organization and Governance in Higher Education (6th Edition) (2012) M. Christopher Brown, Jason E. Lanem, Eboni Zamani-Gallaher, Lenoar Foster, and Jerlando Jackson (Editors) ISBN: 9780558849528 |
ASHE Reader on Philanthropy, Volunteerisim, and Fundraising in Higher Education (2012) Andrea Walton and Marybeth Gasman, Fran Huehls, Amy Wells, and Noah Drezner (Editors). ISBN: 9780536083326 |
ASHE Reader on Planning and Institutional Research (1999) Marvin W. Peterson, Lisa Al, Mets, Andrea Trice, and David D. Dill (Editors). ISBN: 9780536023681 |
ASHE Reader on Public Policy & Higher Education (1997) Lester Goodchild, Cheryl Lowell, Edward Hines. and Judith Gal (Editors). ISBN: 9780536002921 |
ASHE Reader on Public Policy & Higher Education (2nd Edition) (2012) Cheryl Lovell, Toni Larson, Diane Dean, and David Longanecker (Editors). ISBN: 9780558414061 |
ASHE Reader on Qualitative and Quantitative Research (3rd Edition) (2010) Richard Howard, Lance Kennedy-phillips, Catherine E. Watt, Lenoar Foster, and Jerlando Jackson (Editors) ISBN: 9780558682712 |
ASHE Reader on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education (1995) Caroline Turner, Mildred Garcia, Laura Rendon (Editors). ISBN: 9780536590039 |
ASHE Reader on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education (2nd Edition) (2002) Carline S. Turner (Editor) ISBN: 9780536679475 |
ASHE Reader on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education (3rd Edition) (2010) |
ASHE Reader on Sports and Athletics in Higher Education (2011) |
ASHE Reader on Teaching and Learning in the College Classroom (1994) Kenneth Feldman and Michael Paulsen (Editors). ISBN: 9780536585356 |
ASHE Reader on ASHE Reader on Teaching and Learning in the College Classroom (2nd Edition) (1998) Kenneth Feldman (Editor) ISBN: 9780536010650 |
ASHE Reader on ASHE Reader on Teaching & Learning in the College Classroom (3rd Edition) (2010) Michele M. Welkener, Alan Kalish, and Heather M. Bandeen (Editors). ISBN: 9780558575496 |
ASHE Reader on Theoretical Perspectives on College Students (2003) Frances K. Stage, Deborah Faye Carter, Dan Hossler, Edward P. St. John, and Lenoar Foster (Editors). ISBN: 9780536729606 |